Hi, everyone!
I’m sixth daughter in Uminochou,Linda!
How was the Summer time!!
Do you have a lot of good things?
Following the long, hot summer, a more comfortable season has finally arrived!!
Known to many as “the harvest season” in Japan autumn is also said to be “the season for fruit.”
People can savor the freshly harvested rice,
and you can enjoy many kinds of fruit, mushrooms and fish that are rich in healthy oils.
This is also a popular gourmet season for many Japanese people who also call it “the season forappetite.”
Our appetite increases because as temperatures fall, the metabolismneeds to be accelerated to keep us warm.
For this reason we need more energy !!! than when it’s hot!
池の浦さくらの郷 旅荘 海の蝶
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【TEL】0596-44-1050 【FAX】0596-42-1711
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Why and how does the “the season of good appetite” occur?