Hi, I’m six daughter in Uminochou, Linda
Do you know this Story?
The story is about a beautiful weaver princess named Orihime(Vegar) and a young cattle herder named Hikoboshi(Altair).The two immediately fell in love. It was love at first sight.They were totally lovesick, and forgot all about their duties.
The Heaven God, the father of Orihime, got angry, and decided to separate the two by The Milky Way.
This was their severe punishment. Orihime continued to weep all day.
The Heaven God finally changed his mind, and gave them permission to see each other once a year.
They could meet once a year on July 7th.
However, if it rained, the river would flood and the two would not be able to see each other.
The two would always pray for good weather.And if they met successfully, then everyone who made a wish on that day would have their wishes come true
Orihime’s star represents Vega,The zero magnitude star of the Lyra constellation,
which is located to the west of the Milky way.
It’s so beautiful story.
See you then,
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